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For those of you lucky enough to live in New Jersey, this looks like a wonderful way to help kids understand the damage that cyberbullying can do.

In Michigan, a kindergartner (!) created an anti-bullying campaign with the help of her mother and a grant from Disney Youth Service of America. Allison’s program was one of fifty (out of thousands) to win a grant. Good for her!

“Up to 20 percent of children in the United States suffer from a mental disorder, and the number of kids diagnosed with one has been rising for more than a decade.” Astonishing and sobering conclusions from a report released by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention in May of 2013. Schools, with their often high ratios of students to mental health professionals, are ill equipped to deal with statistics like these.

School counselors rarely have the time or the supplies to engage in lengthy play therapy sessions, but in short form, it’s a valuable tool in our tool box, especially for those counselors who work in elementary schools. This article gives a brief explanation of play therapy. While you’re out there on the web, you might also have a look at Maya Angelou’s book, “Life Doesn’t Frighten Me.”